Willow Creek III
Painting, Roofing

Painting, Roofing

Need An Architectural Control Committee Request Form?
Click on the link below for the form.  When complete, email to careteam@rowcal.com.
Architectural Control Committee Request Form

Single-Family Home Painting
To begin the process of selecting single-family home paint colors, contact the paint coordinator at willowcreek3paint@gmail.com.  Single Family Home Paint Request Form.

You can contact Sherwin Williams and ask about their process for obtaining the approved paint color book from them.  (See below for store details.)   When you have made your choice, complete the Architectural Control Committee Request Form online (located on this page and also on the Architectural Control Information page). 

By clicking on this Sherwin-Williams link, https://www.sherwin-williams.com/homeowners/color/find-and-explore-colors/hoa/centennial/co/willow-creek-iii-hoa/, you can see examples of the single-family home color choices. Be aware that the colors as displayed on your viewing device may differ somewhat from the actual paint colors.

Sherwin-Williams store
A notebook of Willow Creek 3 choices for field (main), trim, and accent colors are available at the Sherwin-Williams store located at 7580 Park Meadows Drive in Lone Tree.  The store is in a small strip mall across the street from Sam’s Club off Quebec.

Hours:  Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
              Saturday: 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
              Sunday: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Phone: 303 721-8866

A 10 percent “Preferred Customer” discount is available for Willow Creek 3 residents. Sales also take place periodically.

This store participates in paint recycling through PaintCare.org .  Check with the store for details on recycling unused paint.

Remember that all exterior paint colors must first be approved.

Townhome Painting
Go to the Sherwin-Williams store, 7580 Park Meadows Drive, Lone Tree (see above for details), and give them your townhome address. Based on the location of your townhome, they will provide you with the appropriate color (they have a Willow Creek 3 binder with our specific formulas programmed into their computer). A complete list of the townhome color choices is also available by clicking on the link below.

Townhome Paint Color List


Roofing (updated Feb. 2024)

CertainTeed Landmark TL in Shenandoah

Single-Family Homes:
– CertainTeed colors: Burnt Sienna, Weathered Wood, Cobblestone Gray, Shenandoah (townhome color).
– GAF colors: Slate, Oyster Gray, Shakewood, Hickory, Weathered Wood, Barkwood.
– Malarkey colors: Heather, Natural Wood, Antique Brown, Weathered Wood, Storm Gray
– Owens Corning colors: Desert Tan, Peppercorn, Teak, Driftwood, Estate Gray, Sand Castle
– Atlas colors: Heather Blend, Hearthstone, Weathered Wood.
– Tamko colors: Weathered Wood, Rustic Slate, Shadow Gray

Remember that the ACC must receive and approve the roof replacement submittal, even if the above colors are used, and the replacement shingles are the same. Using these colors does not constitute approval by the ACC. Roof vents must be painted the color of the shingles. However, using the above colors/manufacturers will expedite the approval.

Please see the full WC3 policies for further information on exterior changes.